Our mission: Sustainability

"I am me plus my environment, if I don't preserve the latter, I don't preserve myself."
cit. Josè Ortega y Gasset


Our products come from crops that comply with all the standards imposed by organic farming.


We use organic raw materials, making use of completely renewable vegetable sources.


The Global Recycle Standard mark certifies that our textile products are made with recycled materials

Fabrics in a

Sustainable Harmony

We cannot think about Partex's future by avoiding reflections on the future of our planet. We operate in a context of over-exploitation: society consumes resources at unsustainable rates. The turning point green of Partex is our sign of love for the Earth, our manifesto of responsibility.  

Sustainable 360°

Eco-materials for the upcoming world

L’intero ingranaggio di produzione interno a Partex è incentrato sulla sostenibilità, ma non è il solo comparto green oriented.

Partex Group

Thinking Green is an effort that does not weigh

Partex loves and respects the environment! We make technical fabrics, with recycled raw materials using renewable and low-impact energy sources without compromising the quality of the performance of our works.
